Field Case Histories for SPT-Based In Situ Liquefaction Potential Evaluation


This report provides documentation of the field performance case histories and site response analyses described in the report entitled SPT-Based Probabilistic and Deterministic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Initiation Hazard, by Cetin, et al. (2000). Table 3-5, taken from that report, summarizes the interpreted field performance case histories from the original database of Seed et al. (1984) that were found to conform to the standards of Data Classes A, B or C, and so were used in the studies of Cetin et al. Table 3-7, also taken from that report, summarizes the cases that were deleted from the overall database of Seed et al. (1984), as not conforming to the defined standards of data classes A, B, or C. Table 3-6, summarizes the interpreted field case histories from earthquakes that occurred subsequent to 1984 that were found to conform to the standards of Data Classes A, B or C, and so were utilized in the studies by Cetin et al. (2000). Broader and more detailed documentation of all of these case histories, including in many cases the interpretations of other researchers, is presented in Appendix A. Appendix B summarizes the seismic site response analyses performed by Cetin et al. (2000) in interpreting 53 of the field case histories from Appendix A. Finally, Table 3-9, also taken from Cetin et al. (2000), summarizes a suite of proprietary field performance case histories from alluvial sites in the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu (Kobe) Earthquake, and these are further documented in as much detail as is currently allowed in Appendix C. In all of these Tables and Appendices, the interpretations presented are those of the research team. A more detailed description of some of the details of the methods and procedures used to evaluate and analyze these field performance case histories is presented in Cetin (2000), though the final evaluations presented in this report in some cases post-date that dissertation, and are the most recent interpretations undertaken under these current studies. This report is intended only as a concise summary of a vast amount of data. Details regarding interpretation and processing of these data are presented in Cetin et al. (2000) and Cetin (2000)

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