
Cs adsorption on Bi 2 Se 3


Bi 2 Se 3 is a topological insulator whose unique properties result from topological surface states (TSS) in the band gap. The adsorption of Cs onto a Bi 2 Se 3 surface is investigated by low energy ion scattering and work function measurements. Much of the deposited Cs quickly diffuses to the step edges forming one-dimensional chains of positively charged adatoms, along with some deposition on the terraces. The work function decreases until a coverage of 0.1 ML is reached, beyond which it increases slightly. The minimum in the work function is due to depolarization of the dipoles induced when the concentration of adatoms in the chains reaches a critical value. A slow diffusion of adsorbed Cs from the terraces to the step edges is also marked by changes in the neutralization of scattered Na + and work function over time. The spatial distribution of the conductive charges in the TSS, which are primarily positioned between the first and second atomic layers, is confirmed by comparison of the neutralization of Na + scattered from Bi and Se

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