
Increased numbers of neurons occur in the inferior colliculus of the young genetically epilepsy-prone rat


To determine if the increase in the number of neurons observed in the inferior colliculus (IC) of the adult genetically epilepsy-prone rat (GEPR) as compared to the Sprague-Dawley rat was present in the young GEPRs prior to the time at which seizure activity commences, brains from both types of rats 4-10 days of age were studied. A statistically significant increase in the numbers of small neurons occurred in the IC of the young GEPR. At 4 days of age, a 55% increase in the number of small neurons was found in the GEPR as compared to the Sprague-Dawley rat and at 10 days of age this increase was 105%. The numbers of the medium and large neurons were similar in the older group of rats. These data suggest that the increase in cell number observed in the adult GEPR is not compensatory to the seizure activity, but is genetically programmed. © 1985

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