First Results of Innovative Didactic Tools of Building Physics in Architecture Curriculum at Politecnico di Milano


This paper presents the first results of an innovative didactic experience of blended learning and flipped classroom techniques, involving the courses of Buildings Physics at the School of Architecture in Politecnico di Milano, second year bachelor. Main aim is to improve the relation between architectural design principles and their impacts, making next generation of architects more energy and environmentally conscious, more sensitive to global problems and able to operate in different contexts. Videos and online tests were the main used and most appreciated tools. The experience involved about 900 students in total, distributed in 4 courses in Italian and 1 course in English. Results clarify whether these tools effectively supported the students in learning and help professors in making the course more attractive and understandable. Furthermore, the outcomes of the evaluation on the data stored along the courses have been processed and correlated with the results of the final exams

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