Nótula sobre Martim ou Martinho (de) Figueiredo e André de Resende


Martim de Figueiredo, professor of the University of Lisbon, published in 1529 a «Commentum in Plinii Naturalis Historiae Prologum» wich has been much praised in recent years. But the great humanist André de Resende forgot both the book and its author in the «Oratio pro Rostris» pronounced in the University of Lisbon on October 1st, 1534, where he remembered some of the most remarkable professors of that school. However, in Resende's «De Antiquitatibus Lusitaniae», posthumously published in 1592, Figueiredo is mentioned as a «iurisconsultus» who had studied Latin in Florence under Angelo Poliziano (d. 1494), but his Lisbon professorship and his book are forgotten. Why? Probably because the «Commentum» was already outdated when it was first printed.Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra Universidade de Coimbr

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