Algorithms on Post\u27s Lattice


V nalogi predstavimo strukturo Postove mreže in nekatere algoritme na njej, implementirane v programu Mathematica. Z njihovo pomočjo lahko izračunamo zaprtje dane množice resničnostnih veznikov na tej mreži, izrazimo dani veznik s pomočjo izbranih veznikov, kadar je to mogoče, preverimo različne algebrajske lastnosti Postove mreže in opazujemo njeno strukturo. Pri tem uporabljamo zapis veznikov s polinomi Žegalkina, kar olajša računanje z njimi.In this master\u27s thesis the structure of Post\u27s lattice as well as some algorithms on it are presented, together with their implementations in the program Mathematica. These algorithms can be used to find the closure of a given set of logical connectives, to express a given connective in terms of a set of selected connectives whenever possible, or to analyse different algebraic attributes and structure of Post\u27s lattice. The Zhegalkin polynomial form is used to facilitate computations

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