The Narrative Metaphorical Inversion in "Tyll Eulenspiegels wunderbare und seltsame Historien" and its Slovenian Translation


Diplomsko delo obravnava narativno metaforično inverzijo v delu Tyll Eulenspiegels wunderbare und seltsame Historien in njegovem prevodu Nemški Pavliha v slovénski obléki. Bukve polne smešnih povest za kratek čas poslovénjene. Cilj diplomskega dela je predstavitev pregovorov in pregovornih rekov, ki so izvedeni v nemškem delu ter pregled obstoja le-teh v slovenščini in s tem tudi obstoja narativne metaforične inverzije v prevodu. Na začetku diplomskega dela so razloženi osnovni pojmi, čemur sledita kratka predstavitev del ter analiza imen glavnih junakov in sedemnajstih izbranih zgodb.The following thesis deals with the narrative metaphorical inversion in Tyll Eulenspiegels wunderbare und seltsame Historien and its Slovenian translation Nemški Pavliha v slovénski obléki. Bukve polne smešnih povest za kratek čas poslovénjene. The aim of this thesis is to find the proverbs and proverbial sayings which were used to generate the stories in the German edition and to analyse their existence in Slovene, as well as the existence of the narrative metaphorical inversion in the Slovenian translation. At the beginning of the thesis there is an explanation of the key terms, followed by a short introduction of both editions and the analysis of the names of the main characters and the seventeen chosen stories

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