PESETA III – Task 8: Coastal Impacts


The present document reports the outcome of efforts envisaging (i) to develop an integrated risk assessment tool LISCoAsT (Large scale Integrated Sea-level and Coastal Assessment Tool) for Europe; and (ii) to perform a pilot study on coastal risk along the European coastline in view of climate change. The overall approach builds on the disaster risk methodology proposed by the IPCC SREX (2012) report, defining risk as the combination of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. Substantial effort has been put in all three individual components of the risk assessment chain. We detail progress in the methodological approach and present the main outcomes of the study, namely projections of coastal hazards, exposure and impacts in Europe. We further provide a foresight of further research needs for coastal zone impact assessment and risk reduction strategies. By the end of this century sea levels in Europe are projected to rise on average between 45 and 70 cm, with regional variations in relative sea level rise. We find that by the end of this century the 100-year event ESL along Europe’s coastlines will on average increase by 57 cm for RCP4.5 and 81 cm for RCP8.5. The North Sea region will face the highest increase in ESLs, amounting to nearly 1 m under RCP8.5 by 2100, followed by the Baltic Sea and Atlantic coasts of the UK and Ireland. Relative Sea Level Rise (RSLR) is the main driver of the projected rise in ESL, with increasing dominance towards the end of the century and for the high-concentration pathway. Changes in storm surges and waves enhance the effects of RSLR along the majority of northern European coasts, locally with contributions up to 40%. In southern Europe, episodic extreme events tend to stay stable, except along the Portuguese coast and the Gulf of Cadiz where reductions in surge and wave extremes offset RSLR by 20-30%. By the end of this century, 5 million Europeans currently under threat of a 100-year ESL could be annually at risk from coastal flooding.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

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