
U ovom radu istraženi su teorijski aspekti razvoja antropometrije, životnog standarda te njihova povezanost. Inzistiranje na mjerenju ekonomskih pokazatelja isključivo «klasičnim» pristupima ne donosi uvijek precizne rezultate. Potrebno je obaviti i komplementarna ispitivanja te istaknuti multidisciplinaran pristup pojedinim problemima u svrhu prikupljanja što preciznijih podataka. Zaključak definiran ovim istraživanjem upućuje na vrlo usku povezanost antropometrije i životnog standarda te predlaže buduće istraživanje životnog standarda u Republici Hrvatskoj, koje bi obuhvatilo i antropometrijska mjerenja. Time bi se postavio izazov za istraživače u povezivanju različitih znanstvenih pristupa pri rješavanju zajedničkog znanstvenog problema. U radu su korišteni sekundarni izvori podataka i zaključeno je da je antropometrija, kao znanost o mjerama ljudskog tijela, usko povezana s ekonomskim pokazateljima životnog standarda, blagostanja te s izračunom granice siromaštva.This paper explains the theoretical aspects in the development of anthropometry, living standard and their connection. Insisting on measuring economic indicators only by a “classical” approach does not always yield precise results. Complementary research is sometimes needed as well as a multidisciplinary approach to some Research problems with the aim of getting as precise results as possible. Conclusion reached through this research points to a very close connection between anthropometry and living standard, and suggests that anthropometric measurements should be included in future research of the living standard in the Republic of Croatia. This would be a challange for researches in using and connecting different scientific approaches in order to resolve a common scientific problem. Secondary data has been used in this paper, which led the researchers to conclude that anthropometry, as the science of human body measurements, is closely connected to economic indicators of living standard, welfare and calculation of the poverty line

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