On normal operator logarithms


Let X,Y be normal bounded operators on a Hilbert space such that e X=eY. If the spectra of X and Y are contained in the strip S of the complex plane defined by |I(z)|≤π, we show that |X|=|Y|. If Y is only assumed to be bounded, then |X|Y=Y|X|. We give a formula for X-Y in terms of spectral projections of X and Y provided that X,Y are normal and e X=eY. If X is an unbounded self-adjoint operator, which does not have (2k+1)π,k∈ℤ, as eigenvalues, and Y is normal with spectrum in S satisfying eiX=eY, then Y∈{ e iX}″. We give alternative proofs and generalizations of results on normal operator exponentials proved by Schmoeger.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

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