Recently, the writer has had occasion to prepare a synopsis of the species of Tabanidae, otherwise known as horseflies, deerflies or gadflies, of the State of Nebraska. These flies are of importance to the farmer and stock raiser because of their blood-sucking propensities and their annoyance to stock. They breed in marshy lands and wet soil. This synopsis is based altogether on specimens collected in Nebraska and now actually present in the University of Nebraska collection. It is not probable, therefore, that it is a complete list. More extensive collecting over the state would probably reveal the presence of other species, since very little time has been spent in especially collecting these insects.
The classification of Hine has been followed in the main, but in listing the species those that are closely related have been brought together. The writer is indebted to Professors Myron H. Swenk and R. W. Dawson of the University of Nebraska, who have made possible the preparation of this paper. Acknowledgement should also be made to the works of Professor James S. Hine and Baron C. R. Osten Sacken on the Tabanidae, since these have contributed greatly toward the satisfactory identification of the species and the synoptic work