
СПІВБУТТЯ ЯК ПРЕДМЕТ КІНЕМАТОГРАФІЧНОЇ РЕФЛЕКСІЇ. (Co-existence as the subject of cinematographic reflection.)


Визначення людини в екзистенціалізмі безпосередньо пов'язане з розумінням суспільного буття. У статті розглядаються способи переформування буття індивіда; на матеріалі образів фільмів провідних майстрів західноєвропейського кіномистецтва актуалізується зіткнення особистості й суспільства. Аналізується проблема вмираючої комунікації. (The definition of an individual in existentialism is directly connected with understanding of the social being. The article considers the ways of social transformation of an individual's existence that arise as the objects of a thorough analysis of existential philosophy. On the material of characters taken from certain films directed by prominent masters of West European cinematography we bring to light the forms of collision of an individual and society. Since language and speech are essential factors of transformation of an individual in the society, the article gives substantial consideration to the analysis of the word depreciation problem in the world and the dying of human communication. It has been proved that the analysis of images from the films directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, Werner Herzog, Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Michelangelo Antonioni, whose creative exploration alongside with the ideas of representants of the existential paradigm (Martin Heidegger, Jean Paul Sartre, Karl Jaspers, Jose Ortega y Gasset, Albert Camus, Nicola Abbagnano and others) has turned over to the understanding of actual problems of the human being; helps to make a much deeper study of the peculiarities of the concept of an individual in existentialism and apprehend more clearly the meaning of the existential idea of the real and unreal beings. Through the prism of cinematographic images we have also examined the problem of civilization as one of the ways to realize co-existence; we have touched upon the issue of possibility and acceptability of a "nature individual" as an idealized phenomenon that is antagonistic to the benefits of civilized existence. Whereas existentialists assume that the source of objective "a thing-out-of-man-making" or transforming him into an "intellective thing" or a mediocre one, the human being, deprived of any initiative or individuality, is positioned in the primary social background of any person. Therefore, the idea of "das Man" personified in numerous film images deserves our particular attention.

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