Impact of Physical Activity on Neuroplasticity and Neurorehabilitation after Stroke


Neuroplastičnost je mozga, prema definiciji, njegova sposobnost prilagodbe na nova iskustva ili uvjete pri čemu se on modificira, adaptira ili čak morfološki mijenja sukladno potrebi. Smatra se da je neuroplastičnost najizraženija u ranom djetinjstvu, dok novija istraživanja potvrđuju postojanje neuroplastičnosti i u odrasloj životnoj dobi, a osobito nakon oštećenja mozga. Danas je poznato da mozak ima sposobnost uspostavljanja novih neuronalnih krugova, odnosno stvaranja novih sinapsa nakon ishemijskih oštećenja. Ova spoznaja temelj je spontanog oporavka pojedinih funkcija nakon moždanog udara, ali i današnjeg pristupa neurorehabilitaciji. Neurorehabilitacija obuhvaća poticanje vlastitih mehanizama oporavka utjecanjem na neuroplastičnost, odnosno mogućnost reorganizacije neuronalnih putova i sinapsa u domeni kognicije, motorike i raspoloženja, odnosno ponašanja. Ciljana tjelesna aktivnost kao ključan dio neurorehabilitacije utječe na sva tri modaliteta, a važna je i u prevenciji nastanka brojnih neuroloških, poglavito cerebrovaskularnih bolesti.Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of the brain to adapt to new experience or circumstances, where the brain modifies, adapts or even morphologically changes as needed. Neuroplasticity is considered to be most prominent in early childhood, but recent research has confirmed its occurrence in adulthood as well, especially after brain injury. Today, it is a common fact that human brain has the ability to form new neuronal circuits and create new synaptic networks after ischemic injuries. This fact is the basis for the spontaneous recovery of certain functions after a stroke, as well as for the current approach to neurorehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation involves intrinsic recovery mechanisms that are boosted through neuroplasticity, namely the possibility of neuronal pathway and synaptic network reorganisation in the domain of cognition, motoric functions, as well as mood and behaviour. Target physical activity as the crucial element of neurorehabilitation affecting all three modalities is essential for the prevention of incidence of numerous neurological impairments, especially cerebrovascular diseases

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