Hybrid media and hybrid theatre in a software culture


The computer has become nowadays a significant tool and agent of performative action and creation: cyber theatre is also a metaphor for an anthropological evolution of the body in which the machine and the human can co-exist, and for the theme of the Fleeting Identities of today: machines as theatrical masks. As a matter of fact the sense of technology has transformed or destabilized notions of liveness, presence and the real; digital performances could define a turning point for theatre, can invent new narrative forms. Interactive technologies enable the arts to regain that famous unique aura, that hic et nunc cancelled in the passage to the means of communication and reproduction. Immediacy, interactivity intermediality are theatrical themes and they come up renewed in a digital and virtual perspective because the media arts establish a new age of the real: the notions of environment, interaction between agents and event unite digital multimedia and live performance. The theater today like other media, through a continuous process of comparison and integration is losing its defined boundaries and it is becoming a hybrid of different elements containing videomapping, light painting, live drawing, glitch art projection oblect, laser painting, holografic projection,digital graffiti. Our study wants to demonstrate the increase in the number of performance based on what Manovich defines hybrid media and inside the \u201csoftware cultures\u201d

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