MASA DEPAN IAIN SYEKH NURJATI CIREBON: Strategi Kampus Entrepreuner Berbasis Lokal


The improvement of quality of life should be the main objective of higher education, including at IAIN Syeikh Nurjati Cirebon. The globalization of higher education is expected not too concerned with the economic needs through the commodification of the institution. Reforms that still have to create a balance between the ability to collect resources and produce products, which in the context of higher education graduates in the form of human resources, quality, useful, armed with expertise that qualified and helped build community toward a better life , This can be done through the development of academic entrepreneurship in shaping the entrepreneurial spirit of students, including through co-operation program of poverty alleviation between Bank Indonesia Cirebon with IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebo

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