
Multi-frequential harmonic balance approach for the computation of unsteadiness in multi-stage turbomachines


In turbomachines, the relative motion of fixed and rotating blades gives rise to deterministic unsteady interactions at frequencies termed BPFs (Blade Passing Frequencies). In a multi-stage turbomachine, a row sandwiched between two other rows is submitted to (at least) two BPFs, hence the need for multiple frequency methods. Initially developed for single frequency problems, harmonic methods have been extended to account for multiple frequencies. All the variations of the Harmonic Balance (HB) technique proposed in the literature rely on a uniform time sampling of the longest period of interest (though the number of samples can differ). This can compromise the efficiency of the method, as too many time samples are computed. Besides, as demonstrated in the present contribution, uniform time sampling can also raise stability issues. To overcome these computational limitations, a new approach using non-uniform time sampling is proposed in the present contribution. This paper will be organized as follows: first, the multi-frequency HB methods is presented, and the impact of time sampling on numerical stability is discussed. Then, algorithms for an automatic choice of the time samples are presented and compared. The proposed non-uniform sampling is assessed for a model problem (i.e. a pulsating channel). Finally, a section is dedicated to the application to a turbomachinery configuration, with emphasis on the choice of frequencie

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