Successive Cancellation List Decoding of Product Codes with Reed-Muller Component Codes


This letter proposes successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding of product codes with Reed–Muller (RM) component codes. SCL decoding relies on a product code description based on the 2�x2 Hadamard kernel, which enables interpreting the code as an RM subcode. The focus is on a class of product codes considered in wireless communication systems, based on single parity-check and extended Hamming component codes. For short product codes, it is shown that SCL decoding with a moderate list size performs as well as (and, sometimes, outperforms) belief propagation (BP) decoding. Furthermore, by concatenating a short product code with a high-rate outer code, SCL decoding outperforms BP decoding by up to 1.4 dB

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