
Abstrak  Jawa Timur merupakan daerah dengan intensitas penyalahgunaan narkoba yang besar dengan kondisi gawat darurat narkoba, oleh karenanya peran Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) Jawa Timur selaku institusi hukum khusus masalah narkoba harusnya intens dalam memberantas terhadap tindak pidana narkoba mengingat jumlah penyalahgunaan narkoba di wilayah Jawa Timur sebanyak 608.520. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) Jawa Timur dalam memberantas penyalahgunaan narkoba dan upaya Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) Jawa Timur dalam memberantas penyalagunaan narkoba. Artikel ini merupakan penelitian yuridis sosiologis dengan teknik analisis desktriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi, sedangkan informannya mengambil kepala Bidang Pemberantasan Narkoba dan dua pelaku penyalahgunaan narkoba. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hambatan pemberantasan narkoba ialah kurangnya sinergi antar lembaga hukum yakni Kepolisian dan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dan  upaya yang dilakukan secara represif melalui regulasi Inpres yakni program Pencegahan, Pemberantasan, Penyalahgunaan, dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba (P4GN) sudah berjalan dengan baik namun terkendala pada beberapa daerah yang belum terbentuk satuan pelaksana sehingga pemberantasan penyalahgunaan belum berjalan efesien, upaya preventif dilakukan melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai kader narkoba masih berjalan dengan baik. Kata Kunci : narkoba, penegakan hukum, penyalahgunaan narkoba    Abstract East Java is the area with the intensity of the abuse of drug great with emergency conditions drug, therefor the role of BNNP East Java as a legal institution specifically drug problem should be intense in the combat against narcotic crime considering the amount of drug abuse in East Java as much as 608 520. The purpose of writing this research to the obstacles encountered BNNP JATIM in combating abuse of narcotics and BNNP JATIM efforts in combating drug misuse. This article is a sociological juridical research with qualitative analysis techniques desktriptif. Data were obtained through interview and documentation, while the informant took the head of the Field Combating Drugs East Java and the two perpetrators of drug abuse. The results showed that 1) barriers to drug eradication is the lack of synergy between the judiciary and 2) the efforts made by the repressive regulations on Inpres the program P4GN already well underway but is constrained in some areas that have not been established implementation units so as to eradicate the abuse is not running efficiently, preventive efforts through community empowerment as a volunteer drug goes well.The purpose of writing this research to answer The obstacles encountered BNNP JATIM in combating abuse of narcotics. and To know BNNP JATIM efforts in combating abuse of narcotics. The method used is the juridical sociology while data analysis techniques such as qualitative desktriptif.The results showed that the drug agains obstacle is the lack of synergy between the judiciary and the efforts made by Instruction has been running well, preventive efforts through community empowerment cadres drugs. Keyword : narcotic, law enforment, drugs abus

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