
Potensi Lestari Sumberdaya Ikan Demersal (Analisis Hasil Tangkapan Cantrang yang Didaratkan di TPI Wedung Demak)


ABSTRACT One of the problemsin the conservationof demersal fishin Demakisstilla lot ofhis arrestal legedly using cantrang with small mesh size that would negatively affect its sustainability. This study aims toassess of information abou tthe potential for sustainability through the analysis of the landed catchin TPIW edung and information about cantrang. Research using the survey method through observation about cantrang by interview ingof cantrang users then analyz edde scriptively. Sustainable potentialis calculated using the method of Schaeffer. Cantrang average mesh size of 1.5 inches. Schaeffer analysis results indicate that the sustainable potential of 854,07 tons with 831 units of fishing effort cantrang. Based onthe results of analysis show that thelevel of effort for the highgearis not accompanied by high production as well. Average utilization rate of 80.47%, which means the use of cantrang not support the preservation of demersal fish. In the management of demersal fisheries in Demak, government should regulate the size off is that can becaughtby limiting mesh sizeof fishing gear. In addition, to prevent the level ofutilization that caninter fere with the preservation ofthe stock necessary zoning arrangement and setting arrest quotas. Keywords : Cantrang, Catch, Sustainable Potentia

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