Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure Engagement Plan: Final Report for LIGO Engagement


The Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure (CTSC) engages with NSF-funded projects to address their cybersecurity challenges. This document presents the results of one such engagement with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), a large research project funded by the National Science Foundation. LIGO seeks to make the first direct detection of gravitational waves, use them to explore the fundamental physics of gravity, and develop the emerging field of gravitational wave science as a tool of astronomical discovery. The primary goal of this engagement was to apply CTSC experience and expertise in leveraging SAML identify federations to support scientific projects to remove barriers for efficient international collaboration between LIGO and other astronomy and astrophysics projects by decreasing the effort required for LIGO to federate with those projects

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