Structure-from-motion with varying principal point


We consider the problem of structure-from-motion (SfM) for images with fixed calibration but varying principal point. This scenario occurs for archival imagery taken using historic glass plate and film cameras without fiducial markers, when images have been inconsistently cropped or when image plates are broken into multiple fragments.We derive initialisation and pose estimation methods and regularisation penalties tuned specifically for this scenario leading to a complete archival imagery SfM pipeline. This problem is of special importance if imiage data set is limited. We illustrate the performance of our methods on challenging real world examples from image archives. Specifically, we use archival images of the East coast of Greenland from the British Arctic Air Route Expedition (BAARE). This is of particular glaciological interest for measuring historic ice loss. We use a modern digital elevation model (ArcticDEM), masked to stable regions, as ground truth to evaluate our method

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