
Preparation of Au Nanostructure Arrays for Fluorometry and Biosensors Applications


The paper describes the fabrication of random and ordered gold nanostructure arrays (NSA) of different morphology using island film thermal annealing and nanoimprint lithography techniques. Structural parameters of obtained NSA were investigated using atomic force microscopy method. Spectral characteristics of obtained NSA were studied in air atmosphere, and NSA light extinction spectra exhibited an expressed plasmon peak. Spectral position of localized surface plasmon resonance can be tuned depending on geometrical parameters of nanostructures, which is an important factor for resonant investigation methods of various types of molecular structures. Proposed technological approaches can be used to implement the resonance fluorometry in electromagnetic field of nanostructures (surface-enhanced fluorescence) method and in chemical and biosensors based on localized surface plasmon resonance. When you are citing the document, use the following link

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