Conversion of a Commercial-Grade Riding Lawnmower to Hydrogen Fuel in conjunction with John Deere and the Chicago Parks District (semester?), IPRO 310: Hydrogen Fuel Lawnmower IPRO 310 IPRO Day Presentation Sp06


This semester, the IPRO 310 team is continuing the work started by the previous semester’s team. Our work will build off of the previous team’s work and many of our objectives will be an extension of their original objectives. This semester, the team has set forth the following objectives: Finish benchmark testing on the lawnmower including gas emissions Further research the safe storing and usage of hydrogen as a fuel Develop guidelines to create and maintain a safe laboratory area Investigate avenues to decrease overall conversion cost Perform the engine conversion Write a step-by-step conversion manual keeping in mind safety and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards Although the team’s main objective is to provide a safe way to convert a gas-powered lawnmower to a hydrogen-power lawnmower, the team will strive to create an environment in which team collaboration, the application engineering knowledge and ability, and individual passion for the project can flourish thus providing a rewarding and educational experience for all of the participants.Deliverables for IPRO 310: Conversion of a Commercial-Grade Riding Lawnmower to Hydrogen Fuel in conjunction with John Deere and the Chicago Parks District for the Spring 2006 semeste

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