Skala zur Messung der Akzeptanz moderner Mythen über sexuelle Aggression (AMMSA)


Gerger H, Kley H, Bohner G, Siebler F. Skala zur Messung der Akzeptanz moderner Mythen über sexuelle Aggression (AMMSA). Bielefeld University; 2013.Scales of rape myth acceptance (RMA) often yield low means and skewed distributions. This is proposed to be because of a change in rape-related beliefs toward more subtle content. Incorporating insights from racism and sexism research, a 30-item self-report scale measuring the acceptance of modern myths about sexual aggression (AMMSA) is presented. Across four studies (total N=1,279), the reliability and validity of parallel German and English versions of the AMMSA scale were examined. The results show that both language versions are highly reliable; compared with a traditional RMA scale, means of AMMSA scores are higher and their distributions more closely approximate normality. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses provide evidence for the AMMSA scale's concurrent and predictive construct validity

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