The school indiscipline representation in brazilian magazines: a critical discursive analysis


We present the partial results of a study, in which we examine the discursive representation of school indiscipline in two genres published in two national magazines for teachers, and in two magazines made for readers in general. For this, we apply the theoretical assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis. The results show that the voices of students and their parents are not included in the texts. In relation to the voice of teachers, it is included only in magazines made for readers in general. However, in most instances, it collaborates to construct a weakened identity representation for these social actors.KEYWORDS: School Indiscipline. Representation. Intertextuality. Interdiscursivity. Critical Discourse Analysis.Apresentamos resultados parciais de uma pesquisa, na qual analisamos a representação discursiva da indisciplina escolar em gêneros publicados em duas revistas de circulação nacional, voltadas para professores, e em duas voltadas para leitores em geral. Para isso, apoiamo-nos nos pressupostos teóricos da Análise de Discurso Crítica. Os resultados mostram que as vozes dos alunos e de seus responsáveis não são incluídas nos textos. Quanto à voz dos professores, ela é incluída apenas nas revistas voltadas para leitores em geral. Contudo, na maioria das ocorrências, colabora para a construção de uma representação identitária enfraquecida desses atores sociais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Indisciplina Escolar. Representação. Intertextualidade. Interdiscursividade. Análise de Discurso Crítica. ABSTRACT We present the partial results of a study, in which we examine the discursive representation of school indiscipline in two genres published in two national magazines for teachers, and in two magazines made for readers in general. For this, we apply the theoretical assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis. The results show that the voices of students and their parents are not included in the texts. In relation to the voice of teachers, it is included only in magazines made for readers in general. However, in most instances, it collaborates to construct a weakened identity representation for these social actors.KEYWORDS: School Indiscipline. Representation. Intertextuality. Interdiscursivity. Critical Discourse Analysis

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