Discourse imagery, representation and indigenous identity: theoretical-analytical issues


Ler imagens como materialidade discursiva é o empreendimento deste trabalho teórico-analítico, justificado pelas demandas da contemporaneidade no campo educacional, tecnológico e comunicacional. Sob a perspectiva da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa e de seus desdobramentos no Brasil, em interfaces com os Estudos Culturais, o movimento descritivointerpretativo mobilizado buscou compreender o modo como a representação visual e as identidades para o sujeito indígena foram construídas no Referencial Curricular Nacional para as Escolas Indígenas (RCNEI). p> PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Discurso Imagético. Representação. Identidade Indígena. Prática Analítica.ABSTRACT Reading images as discursive materiality is undertaking this work theoretical and analytical, justified by the demands of contemporaneity on the educational, technological and communicational fields. From the perspective of Discourse Analysis of the French line and their developments in Brazil, in interfaces with Cultural Studies, descriptive and interpretive movement mobilized sought to understand how the visual representation and indigenous identities for the subject were built in the National Curriculum Reference for Indigenous Schools (RCNEI). KEYWORDS: Discourse Imagery. Representation. Indigenous Identity. Analytical Practice.Reading images as discursive materiality is undertaking this work theoretical and analytical, justified by the demands of contemporaneity on the educational, technological and communicational fields. From the perspective of Discourse Analysis of the French line and their developments in Brazil, in interfaces with Cultural Studies, descriptive and interpretive movement mobilized sought to understand how the visual representation and indigenous identities for the subject were built in the National Curriculum Reference for Indigenous Schools (RCNEI). KEYWORDS: Discourse Imagery. Representation. Indigenous Identity. Analytical Practice

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