Alexander Glazunov and his Violin Concerto: History, Biography, and Performance Perspective


Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov, who was born on August 10, 1865, was a highly influential musician and composer in the early 20th century. Despite living well into the 20th century, he adhered to the compositional techniques and ideals of the 19th century. Glazunov generally wrote in a highly romantic style throughout his life, and never gave in to the stylistic pressures of the early 20th century. He worked prolifically in many genres, including symphonies, concertos, tone poems, string quartets, and ballets; however, he wrote relatively little vocal music, and no opera. Glazunov was also a proficient conductor and an excellent pianist. He served a short tenure on the faculty of the St. Petersburg Conservatory starting in 1899, and then he became the director of the conservatory from the end of 1905 to 1928

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