スワジランド オウコク ノ チュウトウ キョウイク シュウリョウ ニンテイ コッカ シケン SGCSE デ シュツダイ サレル Physical Science ブツリ カガク ノ タントウシキ モンダイ


The examination of Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education (SGCSE) is performed for 12th grade students every October or November in the Kingdom of Swaziland to evaluate their academic achievements. All candidates are assigned two scientific examinations, Physical Science and Biology. This paper introduces compulsory short-answer questions (Paper 1) of Physical Science in 2016. The examinations includes total 28 subsidiary questions (40 marks) consisting of 15 physics ones (20 marks) and 13 chemistry ones (20 marks) from the core curriculum of SGCSE

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