ガッコウ ニオイテ ジコ シンライシン ジシン オ イクセイ スル ユニバーサル ヨボウ キョウイク : キョウイク モクヒョウ ノ コウセイ ト ソノ エビデンス


As introduced by Yamasaki, Sasaki, Uchida, Katsuma, & Matsumoto(2011), a universal preventive education named "TOP SELF" (Trial Of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship) has been developed in the science of preventive education. This paper focused on "development of self−confidece" that is one of the comprehensive base education and aims to develop autonomy. First, the previous educational programs in order to enhance self−confidence or self−esteem were reviewed and the unsolved problems were mentioned. Second, the definition of "self−confidence" in TOP SELF was given. Third, the hierarchical educational purposes for development of self−confidence (constituent, intermediate, subordinate, and operational purposes) were explained in detail with the theoretical background and the scientific evidence. Since the comprehensive base education is planned to implement for the third−graders in elementaly schools to the first−graders in junior high schools in Japan, the educational purposes in each grade were also proposed

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