ラオス ジンミン キョウワコク ノ ショトウ キョウイク ノ キョウカショ "World Around US" ニオケル リカ ノ ナイヨウ コウセイ ト ソノ モンダイテン


We analyzed the scientific contents within textbooks of “World Around Us” that is used for elementary education in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. We compared the organization and how different teaching units are distributed among different grades between Laos and Japan. We found that while topics about “life”(biology)are abundant, topics about “energy”(physics)and “particles”(chemistry)are minimal or even considered to be deficient as a science education. Another issue is that units are placed without considering teaching order and not based on systematic learning order. On top of above issues the critical problem about these textbooks and contents is that some of them are simply wrong or unsuitable for Laos, i.e., motion of the Sun is introduced as if the observer is standing in Southern hemisphere. For the Laos’ revision of educational curricula, it is important to reorganize the textbook contents to introduce the suitable scientific concepts in the right order, matching to children’s developmental stages

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