Assessment of Appalachian Hardwood Residue Properties and Potentials for Bioenergy Utilization


Logging residue specimens of yellow-poplar and red oak were collected from 15 previously harvested sites across West Virginia. Sites were selected with respect to the varying soil compositions based on a USDA soil survey as well as to the average annual precipitation regions. Wood specimens were then analyzed for their physical, chemical, and thermal properties. Results indicated that logging residues of yellow-poplar and red oak were dried in nature to 7.4 - 39% MC. Yellow-poplar sapwood-specific gravity reduced by 15 and 26.5% on average after 2 and 3 yr of ground contact, respectively. Red oak sapwood-specific gravity was lower than its heartwood by 26.6, 25.3, and 8.2% for the 2005, 2006, and 2007 harvest years, respectively. Chemical analysis showed higher extractives and lignin contents for decayed wood samples collected in 2005 harvested sites. Heating value showed no significant difference between sapwood and heartwood residues of undecayed and decayed material. Our analysis on the potential sugars available showed that about 85 - 90% of 1.02 billion kg of sugars derivable from wood residues in West Virginia could be fermented to ethanol or butanol

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