Magnetic Resonance Microimaging of Liquid Water Distribution in Sugar Maple Wood Below Fiber Saturation Point


Magnetic resonance (MR) microimaging was used to determine the distribution of liquid water in sugar maple wood (Acer saccharum Marsh.). Two moisture desorption tests were applied using saturated salt solutions at 21°C. Desorptions were accomplished between 58 and 96% RH starting from the full saturation state and from the FSP. Each moisture sorption condition at equilibrium was associated with a MR microimaging scan. Signal intensity (represented by false colors in the MR images) allowed visualization of the concentration of liquid water distributed into the wood structure. In most cases, the presence of liquid water was noticed in samples coming from the full saturation state at moisture contents below FSP. This result shows the coexistence of liquid and bound water even at moisture contents below the FSP. The remaining liquid water in the wood appears to be located principally in the lumina of the least accessible libriform fibers

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