Kinetic Model of CCA Fixation on Wood. Part III. Model Validation


In previous studies, models were developed for the initial and main fixation reactions of chromated copper arsenate (CCA-C) on red pine wood as a function of time and isothermal wood temperature conditions following treatment with 1% CCA-C. In this study, these models are used to predict the amount of fixation over sequential short non-isothermal intervals as a way of predicting time to total fixation under variable temperature conditions. The rate of fixation of CCA-C treated red pine pole sections could generally be accurately predicted, using these models, from thermocouple temperature readings in the pole surface, even under a highly variable temperature fixation regime. However, variations in fixation rate were observed even within a single pole, associated with density differences at the butts and tops of the poles. This confirms that fixation time estimates are very sensitive to the model parameters and suggests that the model may not accurately predict fixation rates over a wide range of material sources

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