Site-Selective Excitation And Polarized Absorption Spectra Of Nd3+ In Sr-5(Po4)(3)F And Ca-5(Po4)(3)F


Polarized absorption and fluorescence spectra were analyzed to establish individual energy (Stark) levels of Nd3+ ions in host crystals of Sr-5(PO4)(3)F (SFAP) and Ca-5(PO4)(3)F (FAP). Site-selective excitation and fluorescence facilitated differentiation between Nd3+ ions in emitting sites-associated with 1.06 mu m stimulated emission, and nonemitting Nd3+ ions in other sites. Measurements were made on samples containing different concentrations of Nd3+ at 4 K and higher temperatures. Substitution of Nd3+ for Sr2+ or Ca2+ was accompanied by passive charge compensation during crystal growth. Crystal-field splitting calculations were performed according to site for Stark levels of Nd3+ ions identified spectroscopically. We obtained a final set of crystal-field parameters B-nm for Nd3+ ions in fluorescing sites with a rms, deviation of 7 cm(-1) (52 levels in Nd:SFAP) and 8 cm(-1) (59 levels in Nd:FAP). For one of the nonemitting sites in Nd:FAP we obtained a final set of B-nm parameters which gave a rms deviation of 6 cm(-1) between 46 experimental and calculated levels

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