Ultra-High-Speed Market Data System (semester?), IPRO 313: Ultra High Speed Market Data System IPRO 313 Midterm Report F07


IPRO 313’s objective is to develop a data ticker plant for our sponsor Townsend Analytics which needs to meet or exceed certain performance requirements. The data ticker plant has to have a sustained optimal throughput of three million price quotes per second and minimize latency while maintain specific constraints. The ticker plant aggregates streaming data for numerous global financial markets and disseminates the data to thousand of users in real time. The data is used in Townsend Analytics’ RealTick® Execution Management System (EMS), its flagship institutional product for the financial services industry. Thus, timely and accurate data delivery is a critical component to Townsend’s product and competitive position. Through research and development, the group will have a concept of design, prototype development and benchmark testing. Additionally, the groundwork will be laid for future development of the ticker plant and additional trading-platform components.Sponsorship: Townsend AnalyticsDeliverables for IPRO 313: Ultra-High-Speed Market Data System for the Fall 2007 semeste

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