Confronting crises: An examination of leadership attributes needed by network service-oriented organizations to improve the responsiveness when managing natural disasters


The purpose of this dissertation was to explore and identify the leadership competencies required to influence the actions and decisions of network service-oriented organizations through the dynamic disaster life cycle in order to minimize the consequences of natural disasters.Purpose and Scope of Research Purpose The purpose of this dissertation was to explore and identify the leadership competencies required to influence the actions and decisions of network service-oriented organizations through the dynamic disaster life cycle in order to minimize the consequences of natural disasters. Scope •Explore leadership competencies within network service-oriented organizations operating in crises situations. •Examine factors that influenced organizational effectiveness in response to and preparation for crises situations •Investigate how leaders of network service-oriented organizations minimize the impact of natural disasters on organizational structures and systems Confronting Crises: An examination of leadership attributes needed by network service-oriented organizations to improve the responsiveness when managing natural disasters Eric Baranick Dissertation Committee: Deborah Wharff, D.M. and Eric Dent, Ph.D Fall 2014 R Research Question (RQ) and Propositions (P) RQ: When preparing for the potential impact of natural disasters what are the fundamental leadership competencies for responding that will influence network service-oriented organization effectiveness in lessening the negative impact of those disasters on people and organizations. P1. Disaster managers face dynamic and fluid scenarios and must prioritize certain actions to facilitate organizational operations. P2. The ambiguous and uncertain nature of natural disasters are positively influenced when leaders among networked service-oriented organizations have a keen situational awareness. P3. An organizational learning culture improves the information exchange and knowledge-sharing process within network service-oriented organizations throughout the disaster life cycle. Significance to Management Natural disasters can have a significant impact on communities, organizational structures and systems; and leaders of network service-oriented organizations that respond to these crises confront ambiguity and uncertainty. This dissertation explored the requisite competencies to manage the dynamically unfolding impact of natural disasters and provided evidence-based research for effective leadership that enhanced organizational mechanisms that minimized the potential impact of natural disasters in organizational structures and systems. Conceptual Model Leadership competencies within the disaster life cycle Results Key Authors and Theories Selection of Studies Evaluation of Evidence Evaluation of Evidence Hierarchy of Evidence Thematic Synthesis Findings and Conclusions Future Research Environmental Awareness Information Exchange Adaptability Decision-Making Disaster Preparedness Response Recovery Mitigation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1993 1998 1999 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of studies per year of publication Complex Adaptive Systems Theory Simon (1962) (1993) Anderson (1999) Lichtenstein, Uhl-Bien, Marion, Seers, Orton, and Schreiber (2006) Complex Leadership Theory Marion and Uhl-Bien (2001) Hazy (2006) Weick (1993) Organizational Learning Theory Argyris (1975) Shrivastava (1983) Thomas, Clark, & Gioia (1993) Primary Themes Specific Competencies/Traits Sensemaking Internal and External Awareness Weick (1993) Decoding McGuire and Silvia (2009) Assessment Decision-Making Agility Baran and Scott (2010) Flexibility Van Wart and Kapucu (2011) Organizational Learning Stakeholder communication Thomas, Clark, & Gioia (1993) Information sharing Pearson and Mitroff (1993) n=29 n=29 •Networked service-oriented organizational leaders who effectively managed the cyclical nature of the crises were better able to assess, interpret, and synthesize ambiguous information related to crises, and provide a more effective organizational response. •Within the context of a complex disaster scenario, it was found that leaders who exhibit constant and continuous environmental awareness through sensemaking are better prepared to decode and analyze these dynamic situations. •Competent leaders that facilitated the process of organizational learning throughout the disaster life cycle overcame the inherent characteristics of crises, ambiguity and uncertainty, in order to positively influence the next stage of the cycle. •Further exploration on the correlation between complex adaptive systems theory and NSO effectiveness and efficiency during crises. •More empirical research following critical scenarios on NSO leadership flexibility and agility for decision-making. •More nuanced discussion of organizational learning within a networked organizational structure during crises. Selected Systematic Review Random Sample Studies Cohort Studies Case Control Studies Cross Sectional Studies Case Reports Ideas, Opinions, Perspective 0 6 8 1 8 6 0 Selected Systematic Review Random Sample Studies Cohort Studies Case Control Studies Mixed Methods Case Reports Ideas, Opinions, Perspective 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ethnographic Interview Survey (mail) Case report Mixed Methods Critical Incidents Data collection approach in selected articles 29 of studies included in qualitative synthesis PRISMA Flow Diagram Included Eligibility Screening Identification 1,374 records identified using leadership competencies and disasters search terms 63 full-text articles assessed for eligibility 34 of full-text articles excluded, with reasons 415 empirical study abstracts screened 352 records excluded 643 total records focused on third secto

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