Economic Engineering Modeling of Liberalized Electricity Markets: Approaches, Algorithms, and Applications in a European Context: Economic Engineering Modeling of Liberalized Electricity Markets: Approaches, Algorithms, and Applications in a European Context


This dissertation focuses on selected issues in regard to the mathematical modeling of electricity markets. In a first step the interrelations of electric power market modeling are highlighted a crossroad between operations research, applied economics, and engineering. In a second step the development of a large-scale continental European economic engineering model named ELMOD is described and the model is applied to the issue of wind integration. It is concluded that enabling the integration of low-carbon technologies appears feasible for wind energy. In a third step algorithmic work is carried out regarding a game theoretic model. Two approaches in order to solve a discretely-constrained mathematical program with equilibrium constraints using disjunctive constraints are presented. The first one reformulates the problem as a mixed-integer linear program and the second one applies the Benders decomposition technique. Selected numerical results are reported

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