
Aortic root replacement with a pulmonary autograft


Aortic valve disease in the pediatric age group is usually a consequence of congenital aortic stenosis, which may be isolated or may be a part of an anomaly of the left ventricular outflow tract or the aortic root. Management of these patients is difficult. Neonates and infants with severe congenital aortic stenosis may suffer from congestive heart failure and are critically ill. Older children usually have less severe clinical symptoms, if it all. Invasive treatment is indicated in the case of severe aortic stenosis. For isolated congenital valvular stenosis, balloon valvuloplasty is the current therapy and is technically feasible in most patients. Therefore. surgical valvulotomy is no longer the first therapeutical option in managing aortic valve stenosis in neonates and in older children. Experience indicate

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