Obstruction in the Pedriatic Airway: diagnostic and therapeutic aspects
- Publication date
- 22 June 1995
- Publisher
- Pediatric Laryngology in a referral hospital for children such as the Sophia
Children's Hospital is to a large extent concerned with patients suffering from
airway obstruction, most of whom, owing to the nature of the disorder, are treated
in an Intensive Care Unit (lCU). The otorhinolaryngologist, in close cooperation
with ICU-pediatricians, is confronted with a great variety of airway pathology:
intubation or tracheotomy related problems, post-intubation injury, cicatricial
laryngeal stenosis, congenital laryngeal stenosis, subglottic hemangioma, choanal
atresia, pharyngeal obstruction, epiglottitis, subglottic laryngitis, tracheomalacia,
Laryngobronchoscopy (LBS) is the most important tool in the diagnosis of such
disorders in children.