
Use and Safety of Respiratory Medicines in Children


The lack of appropriately authorised and formulated medicines for use in the pediatric population is a longstanding problem and cause for concern. As a result, most medicines are prescribed to children on an off -label or an unlicensed basis. Dosing regimens approved for adults are extrapolated to pediatric age groups, for example on the basis of proportionality of weight, without pediatric pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic data. Safety and effi cacy are presumed to be the same as in adults, but this may not be the case. Evidence-based information in children is often not readily available, and prescribing decisions may have to be based on accepted practice presented in formularies. On January 26, 2007, the new regulation of the European Union (EU) on medicinal products for pediatric use came into force. The overall aim of the regulation is to improve the health of children in the EU. More specifi cally the objectives include: increasing the development of medicines for use in children; ensuring that medicines used to treat chi

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