Radiation and the Stent: Results From Catheter - Based Radiation. And Radioactive Stenting
- Publication date
- 19 September 2001
- Publisher
- Angiographic restenosis occurs in up to 60% of cases after balloon angioplasty (BA).
Restenosis after BA occurs due to elastic recoil of the artery, vascular remodeling
with vessel shrinkage and neointimal hyperplasia. Neointimal hyperplasia develops by
migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and myofibroblasts after
balloon-induced trauma of the arterial wall and by deposition of an extracellular matrix
by the SMCs. By preventing elastic recoil and negative remodeling stent implantation
has resolved many of the problems created by balloon angioplasty. However, a new
problem has been created - that of in-stent restenosis, whi