
Hepatocellular adenoma 'A new perspective'


Since the introduction and widespread use of abdominal imaging technologies there has been an increase in the frequency of detection of space-occupying lesions in the liver. In particular due to the use of ultrasound imaging which is frequently used because of its safety and non-invasive nature and its accessibility. Liver tumors that are found by incidence are defined as findings unrelated to the clinical indication for which the imaging examination was performed. To decide which of these tumors needs therapy further characterization with highly advanced imaging modalities (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) or needle biopsy is needed. Core needle biopsy is still accepted as the gold standard for diagnosing tumors in various organs. However, there is an increasing role for radiology in the diagnosis of focal liver tumors, especially by the use of state-ofthe- art MRI. Moreover, most hepatic tumors can be diagnosed with confidence by the use state-of-the-art MRI, which may have consequences for the role of needle biopsy during work-up of focal liver lesions

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