
A geographic information system for local public health policy


This book deals with the development and use of a geographic information system for local public health policy. Health differences between populations in different geographical areas, large (countries) or small (city-neighbourhoods) have always been a challenge to epidemiologists and policy makers. To epidemiologists, these differences can give insight into the health effects of certain exposures, for policy makers these differences can give rise to welltargeted interventions. Making epidemiological knowledge available to and suitable for policy makers is a major task of the Municipal Health Service. A description of the health situation by means of a community diagnosis can accommodate the requirements of the local politicians. However, it is necessary that a community diagnosis is provided not only for the total municipality, but also for separate districts and neighbourhoods. For this purpose the Municipal Health Service in Rotterdam started the development of a geographic information system. Three questions form a central part in this study: 1. Is it possible to set up a geographic information system, in order to obtain insight into the health situation in neighbourhoods? 2. Can such a geographic information system be used for epidemiological research? 3. Can such a geographic information system be used for developing and supporting local health policy? In the first part of the study attention is focused on recent developments in health policy, the concept of a community diagnosis and the potentials of geographic information systems for local health policy. In the second part of the study the theory is worked out for the situation in Rotterdam

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