Prorenin and the heart : the Mannose 6-phosphate connection
- Publication date
- 23 May 2002
- Publisher
- The knowledge concerning the formation of angiotensins at cardiac tissue sites in
relation to the presence and origin of cardiac renin, angiotensinogen and ACE is
evaluated in chapter 2. To gain insight in the functional importance of locally
generated angiotensin 11, the response of human forearm blood flow to infusion of
either angiotensin I or angiotensin 11 was investigated (Chapter 3). To extend our
results in the perfused isolated rat heart,31 experiments were performed to detect de
novo synthesis of RAS components by neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and -fibroblasts
under basal conditions and after stretch (Chapter 4). In addition, we characterized
the binding and activation of human recombinant prorenin via mannose 6-
phosphate/IGF11 receptors on the surface of human endothelial cells, and neonatal
rat cardiomyocytes and -fibroblasts (Chapters 5 and 6). To validate our results
obtained with human recombinant prorenin, neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were also
incubated with human (pro)renin- containing body fluids (Chapter 7). The latter
studies also addressed the importance of soluble mannose 6-phosphate/IGF11
Finally, since 1) under certain conditions man nose 6-phosphate/IGF11 receptor
activation initiates transcellu\ar signaling pathways,'2 and 2) renin binding to
glomerular mesangial cells leads to plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 release
and an increase in 3H-thymidine incorporation,25 we investigated whether prorenin
binding and/or uptake by rat cardiomyocytes, in the presence or absence of
angiotensinogen, resulted in a cellular response (Chapter 8). In these latter studies
we also investigated intra- and extracellular angiotensin 11 generation and compared
the effects of prorenin with those obtained with angiotensin II in parallel experiments.