Moving From A Textbook To Facebook College Students\u27 Motivations For Using Social Networking Sites In Education


This study examined college student motivations for using social networking sites for educational purposes. Motives were examined through the uses and gratifications approach. If we can determine student motivations for using social networking sites, perhaps we can determine a way to successfully implement social networking sites into the classroom. By adding the concept of satisfaction, we can also determine if students will use the sites again. If students are satisfied with educational social networking site use, they will return to these sites for educational purposes again. Data was collected by giving a questionnaire to undergraduate students that assessed social networking site use, as well as motivations for and satisfaction with use. For general uses, students were motivated to use social networking sites for relationship maintenance, passing time, and information seeking purposes. Overall, students were satisfied with their use of the sites. For educational uses, students were motivated to use the sites for relationship maintenance and information seeking purposes. Overall, students are not satisfied with their use of these sites for educational purposes. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

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