
Analysis of Sales Promotion Effects on Household Purchase Behavior


Linda H. Teunter was born in 1972 in Doetinchem, The Netherlands. She attended the secondary school "Gemeentelijke Scholengemeenschap Doetinchem" in Doetinchem, The Netherlands, from 1984 to 1990. She studied econometrics at the University of Groningen, where she graduated in 1995 on her Master's thesis "Benefit segmentation for the Norwegian mobile telephony market", for which she spent six months in Oslo. Next she started as a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculteit Bedrijfskunde/Rotterdam School of Management of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She performed research on the effects of sales promotions on household purchase behavior. Linda Teunter has given presentations on this subject in both Europe and North America. During her Ph.D. period, she has given lectures to students about methodology and sales promotions. Furthermore, she has played an active role in several Ph.D. councils. Since September 1999, Linda Teunter is assistant professor of statistics at the Faculteit Bedrijfskunde/Rotterdam School of Management.Manufacturers and retailers are spending more and more of their marketing money on sales promotions. Conflicting empirical results exist with respect to the effects of these sales promotions on household purchase behavior. Based on household scanner data, new insights are developed into the drivers of household promotion response and into the different reaction mechanisms that constitute household promotion response

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