
Functions of normal operators under perturbations


In \cite{Pe1}, \cite{Pe2}, \cite{AP1}, \cite{AP2}, and \cite{AP3} sharp estimates for f(A)f(B)f(A)-f(B) were obtained for self-adjoint operators AA and BB and for various classes of functions ff on the real line R\R. In this paper we extend those results to the case of functions of normal operators. We show that if a function ff belongs to the H\"older class \L_\a(\R^2), 0<\a<1, of functions of two variables, and N1N_1 and N2N_2 are normal operators, then \|f(N_1)-f(N_2)\|\le\const\|f\|_{\L_\a}\|N_1-N_2\|^\a. We obtain a more general result for functions in the space \L_\o(\R^2)=\big\{f:~|f(\z_1)-f(\z_2)|\le\const\o(|\z_1-\z_2|)\big\} for an arbitrary modulus of continuity \o. We prove that if ff belongs to the Besov class B_{\be1}^1(\R^2), then it is operator Lipschitz, i.e., \|f(N_1)-f(N_2)\|\le\const\|f\|_{B_{\be1}^1}\|N_1-N_2\|. We also study properties of f(N1)f(N2)f(N_1)-f(N_2) in the case when f\in\L_\a(\R^2) and N1N2N_1-N_2 belongs to the Schatten-von Neuman class \bS_p.Comment: 32 page

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