Recent Developments in the Dutch Cervical Cancer Screening Programme
- Publication date
- 17 December 2008
- Publisher
- Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common female
malignancy, diagnosed in 500,000 women each year, while 275,000
die from it. Without prevention, the peak incidence occurs at a
relatively young age, between 40-55 years, when women are
still active on the labour market and have young children.
While cervical cancer is the leading cancer-related cause of
death and the second most common cancer in women in developing
countries (incidence rates ≥30 per 100,000), it became
much less common in developed countries in the recent decades.
In the Netherlands, the incidence and mortality have been
decreasing for decades (Figure 1-1). In 2003, cervical cancer was
newly diagnosed in 584 women (World standardized incidence
rate (WSR): 4.9 per 100,000 women) and 214 women died from
it (WSR: 1.4 per 100,000 women).
Inter-country differences in cervical cancer incidence are
caused by differences in determinants and in access to preventive
measures. The prevalence of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
infection, the necessary factor in the development of cervical cancer,
is generally higher in developing countries. Differences in
the host factor, e.g. more common malnourishment and the prevalence
of other infections in the developing countries, may also
play a role. These countries typically do not offer population-wide
cervical cancer screening facilities, which require a high level of
organization and adequate health care resources.