The map of chromosome 1 of man
- Publication date
- 9 March 1977
- Publisher
- Making maps is an essential procedure in the exploration of new territories.
In the field of genetics, many basic concepts concerning the structure
of a genome and the regulation of gene activity have emerged from
regional mapping studies on the chromosomes of e.g. Escherichia coli and
Drosophila melanogaster. The studies on Drosophila owe much of their significance
to the suitability of this organism for correlation of data on gene linkage
and gene expression with data on morphological and biochemical differentiation
along chromosomes.
Whereas chromosome mapping in Drosophila has a history of more than
half a century, the history of regional mapping of human chromosomes covers
slightly more than half a decade. The experimental approaches employed
within that short period, although, show a striking diversity. This development
was possible because several important techniques became available almost