Vessel wall reactions to endovascular stent implantation
- Publication date
- 17 November 1993
- Publisher
- In order to gain insight in the effects of stenting, we studied the process of wound
healing and the short- and long-term effect of these permanently present foreign bodies. Both
thrombogenic and less thrombogenic metals were evaluated with respect to thrombogenicity
and tissue response. Synthetic polymers were evaluated with respect to improving the haemocompatibility
and tissue-compatibility profile of these devices.
Stenting of normal porcine arteries. In Chapter 2, a balloon-expandable tantalum
stent is described, tested in normal porcine coronary arteries for one and four weeks, and an
indication is given of the process of wound healing and of the extent of intimal hyperplasia
in these arteries. In chapter 3 a self-expanding stainless steel stent was tested in normal
porcine coronary arteries. Luminal change was assessed at one, four, and twelve weeks using
quantitative angiography, while histologic analysis was performed at twelve weeks only.
Additionally, the efficacy of a polymer coating as well as pharmacological treatment (antiplatelet
and anti-coagulant treatment) aimed at reducing acute thrombotic complications and
intimal hyperplasia was studied. In an attempt to improve some of the features of stents, early
thrombogenicity and barotrauma, a polymeric stent was developed and tested in vitro and in
vivo and the results are discussed in Chapter 4,
Stenting of vein grafts. Using a model of early vein graft narrowing in pigs, stenting
was studied to assess the potential benefit of single and mnltiple stent implantation, compared
to plain balloon angioplasty (Chapter 5). Stenting of both diseased and healthy arteries in
animals of similar age and using the same stent, enables the assessment of behaviour of this
stent under different circumstances. Pathologic examination of human saphenous vein bypass
grafts treated with the self-expanding stainless steel stent (used in pigs in Chapter 3), is
discussed in Chapters 6 and 7. This allowed for a comparison between the effect of stents
when implanted in healthy porcine coronary arteries, porcine arteriovenous grafts and
diseased human arteriovenous grafts.
Vascular (dys)function. To assess long-term effects of stenting, a physiological study
was undertaken to determine vascular function (Chapter 8). Aogiotensin metabolism in stented
porcine coronary arteries was studied, as angiotensin IT is implicated as a growth factor or
as a modifier of growth response of smooth muscle cells.